Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Look at those legs. Specifically the adorable bowling shoes. Little Man was upset that he couldn't keep the shoes. And I was with him. They were adorable! He is such a shoe hog, too. Loves his shoes more than I love shoes.
We had a great Labor Day Weekend. We got to visit with our out of town relatives and went bowling.


The boys loved it so much, we went back the next day.

I am amazed at these two boys. I made them.

They are the best of friends and the worst of enemies (and tell each other often). I hope they will be friends for all of their lives.

I always wanted a sister, so I hope that someday they will realize how important they are to each other.

This is Little Man and his cousin. Look at their faces. Can you tell which one is upset that the other one has something of his???

At least he was a good sport and posed for this picture.

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