Monday, May 30, 2011

The Affirmation Project: Day 30


My Positive:  I believe in myself.  I believe that I can become what I desire. 

I believe that I am ___________. 
Try it.  Say it to yourself. 
I believe that I am ____________. 

You are.  And when you can believe in yourself, you can believe in others.

I believe I can make a dress.  I believe I can be a great mother.  I believe that I can write a book.  I believe in everything that I want.  All my affirmations, I believe in those. 

My Affirmation:  I will write a book (it's a duplicate, but the more you say something, the more likely it will become).

*photo taken from

1 comment:

Jeans and a Sweatshirt- said...

You took the bull by it's horns and did a fabulous job this month!