Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Affirmation Project: Day 5

My Positive:  I have a good imagination that I have passed on to my boys.  Nothing makes me happier than seeing my boys with pencil (or dry erase marker) and paper, drawing and pretending that the monsters on their paper are alive and will eat them if they aren't erased fast enough.  Imagination is so important to me, without it, I would be stuck doing things that already have been done.  If you know these boys, you'll know that they can even play battles with toilet plungers and water bottles.  Anything works for them. 

My Affirmation:  I will make room for imagination, even when those bothersome people try to squelch it.

Please join along, one day, four days, whatever you have, I'd love to read your positive and/or affirmations.  C'mon, you should try.

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