Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Summer Nights

This is how my nights have started out.  The pool opens at 6:00 pm for two hours.

The boys play in the splash pool for about an hour, then we all go into the big pool.  Little Man usually turns purple 20 minutes into the big pool, then he and I get out.

I'm so proud of Big Boy.  He is really becoming a nice young man.  He has overcome his fear of the big slides at the splash pool, jumping into his cousins' pool, swimming with his face in the water and he is making friends at the pool.

The same kids show up at the pool each night.  It's becoming a hangout or sorts.  They have splash battles and play hide and seek.  Very cool.  I remember the fun at that age.  I kind of miss it.

Big Boy also has a young lady caller at the pool.

She calls him 'Raspberry Plastic Tickle Bear'.

I didn't think this day would come so soon.

Tickle Bear.

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