Wednesday, August 15, 2012

228/366: Dutch Oven

I found a great deal on a Dutch Oven on eBay last month.  I've always wanted to try.  Have you seen those cool cowboy men cooking shows on PBS?  They do amazing things in those dutch ovens.

Always up for a challenge, I tried.

 The first night, I tried to heat our taco shells in the dutch oven.  I really didn't know what the heck I was doing.  I was impatient, didn't wait for hot coals and didn't wait long enough for the shells to heat.  That was a 'fail'.  The next night, only a 'half-fail'.
 I got two turkey legs and a turkey breast.  Added some season salt and orange juice to the meat and froze it.  When the meat had partially thawed in the cooler, I dumped it in the dutch oven with carrots, potatoes and celery. 

The turkey breast was way overdone.  Without the skin and bone, it didn't really have a chance.  The legs were great.  The potatoes were great.  The carrots pretty much stuck to the burnt orange juice on the bottom. 

Next time...much more liquid.  It was a good experiment, though.  I really was expecting raw turkey in the pot after I took off the lid.

This is a very heavy pot, but it is really fun to tinker with.  I think I'm going to try Cowboy Stew with cornbread next.  And maybe peach cobbler....

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